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Search results for:Department “office-of-financial-and-business-services”

33 person records found.

Office of Financial and Business Services

Phone: (909) 593-0965

Dora Barnfather
Student Accounts Representative
(909) 448-4066
Jen Breitigan
Supervisor, Accts Rec
(909) 448-4459
Johnny Chavez
Purchasing Lead
(909) 448-4541
Katherine Cruz
Staff Accountant
(909) 448-4926
Kayla Dalton
Sr. Collections Analyst
Debbie Deacy
Executive Director, Purchasing and Procurement Services
(909) 448-4542
Morgann Ellis
Staff Accountant
(909) 448-4118
Lori Gordien
Associate Vice President, Finance
(909) 448-4100
Aaron Gray
Director, Students Accounts
Deborah Hughes
Senior Executive Assistant to Chiefs & Associate Director of Real Estate
(909) 448-4189