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Dr. Andrew Guydish

Dr. Andrew Guydish

Office: (909) 448-4142
La Verne / Hoover Hall Hoover 212

Dr. Andrew J. Guydish is an Assistant Professor of Psychology. He earned his PhD in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is interested language, specifically the use of language within conversation. Currently, Dr. Guydish is working to understand how we perceive, remember, and use information from our conversational experiences. Current and past work includes examining how contribution behaviors influence perception of conversational experiences across modalities, how certain conversational factors influence how conversations are evaluated and remembered, as well as how we use specific words to navigate our conversational experiences.


Dr. Guydish’s work can be found on Google Scholar.

Educational Background

Ph.D., Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz

M.S., Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz

M.A., Research and Experimental Psychology, San José State University

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