Chuck Doskow Esq.
Dean Emeritus & Professor of Law
Professor Charles Doskow has been teaching at the College of Law and Public Service since 1979, and served as dean from 1980 to 1985. He currently teaches Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibility. He has recently conducted a seminar on Antiterrorism Law, and in the past has taught Administrative Law, California Real Estate Practice, Civil Procedure, Property, and Conflict of Laws. He has twice offered a college level Constitutional Law course at La Verne Campus for undergraduates.
Professor Doskow is Past President of the San Bernardino County and Western San Bernardino County Bar Associations, and the Inland Empire Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. He currently serves on the FBA Inland Empire chapter board. In 2011 he was awarded the Defender of the Constitution award by the FBA chapter, and was voted as one of two Professors of the Year in 2013 by the student body. He recently was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Western San Bernardino County Bar Association.
In 2007 Professor Doskow served as a consultant to the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative in the Kingdom of Jordan, working with law schools, where he played a key role in organizing the nation’s first interscholastic law school moot court competition. His activities there also included speaking to law school faculties on a variety of subjects, and, on one occasion addressing a group of judges on techniques for negotiating settlements.
Among other law school activities, Professor Doskow has coached moot court teams for several years, including three years at the prestigious Wechsler Constitutional Law competition at the American University Washington College of Law and Public Service in the District of Columbia.
In teaching Constitutional Law over the past fifteen years, Professor Doskow has emphasized both the historic and contemporary aspect of Supreme Court decisions. He believes that it is important that students understand our constitutional heritage, and equally important that they respect the influence of the Constitution and the values it imports on their daily lives.
Teaching Constitutional Law as a college level course to undergraduates at La Verne College, which he will do for the third time during the spring of 2014 has helped to give Professor Doskow a series of new insights about the constitution and its place in students’ consciousness. At the pre-law school level the emphasis is more political, most of the students being government majors. While they do not have the discipline that law school imposes, they have an approach that is free from the limits that the same doctrines require. As a teacher, he has learned from his students that the Constitution is a multi-faceted study requiring constant consideration of both values and principles.
Teaching on the “main campus” of the University has facilitated Professor Doskow’s interest participating in the many events a University has to offer, and allowed greater interaction with the undergraduate history and political science faculty.
Professor Doskow’s scholarly interests have dealt with both Constitutional and other subjects. He has written several law review articles, a number of book reviews, has been a frequent contributor to the editorial pages of the Los Angeles Daily Journal, and has appeared as a commentator on constitutional issues on KPCC public radio and Time Warner Cable Local Edition. He has given MCLE presentations on professional responsibility at numerous bar association functions.
He has published two law review articles in the area of Professional Responsibility, a course that he has taught over a thirty-year period. The first article dealt with the confidentiality responsibilities of a government lawyer, the second (forthcoming as of October 2013) concerns the important issue of nonlawyers’ ownership of law firms, a practice now prohibited by the ABA but permitted in Australia and Great Britain. He spoke by invitation at a symposium in Mississippi on the subject in March 2013.
Two of his other articles have addressed Constitutional issues arising from punitive damage awards, and another dealt with the ability of a libel plaintiff to learn the identity of an asserted libel defendant known only by a web name. He had co-authored two articles with faculty colleagues. The first, with Professor Diane Klein considered housing advertising and antidiscrimination law. Professor Kevin Marshall and Professor Doskow cooperated on an article which analyzed the law and economics of corporate defense of its employees in situations in which the government was targeting the corporation.
He has written over fifty editorial page articles (OpEds) for the Los Angeles Daily Journal, a legal newspaper, on constitutional subjects of contemporary interest. Most recently he has addressed separation of church and state issues. He is presently working on an article analyzing court opinions in which the Roberts Court decided separation cases.
Professor Doskow spent over 20 years in private practice, specializing in business law, real estate, construction and land use, civil litigation, and dispute resolution. He also served in the private sector for over 15 years as senior counsel with Dart Industries, Inc. His personal interests include politics, the arts, baseball, and University of Wisconsin football.
Educational Background
- LL.M., New York University School of Law
- J.D., Harvard Law School
- B.A., University of Wisconsin
- Academic Honors: Harvard Legal Aid Bureau (Upper ten percent of first year class)
Admitted to Bar
- New York 1959
- California 1968
Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Judicial Arbitrations
- Arbitration Panelist, American Arbitration Association
- Private Mediations and Arbitrations
- Court Appointed (or recommended) Voluntary Mediator and Arbitrator
- Court Appointed Discovery Referee
Expert Witness
- Expert witness in legal malpractice and real property cases in Superior
Temporary Judge
- Acted as Judge Pro Tem in San Bernardino County courts periodically from about 1990 through 2005.
- Fund Raising Chair, Capital Gifts Committee for College of Law and Public Service Building in Ontario 1998-2001. Involved with major gifts.
Pro Bono Activities
For approximately eight years, from the mid-eighties through the early nineties, I spent two evenings a month giving advice at legal clinics sponsored by the local bar association. In several of those years I was recognized among the attorneys who had the most hours of participation; one year I received an award as having the second most hours of attendance and advice.
For ten (or more) years I acted as attorney for the Rancho Cucamonga VIP Club, the city-sponsored senior citizens activity club, without charge. The City of Rancho Cucamonga initially referred the group to me to be incorporated.
- “Variations on Non-Lawyer Ownership of Law Firms: The Full Monty, Accommodation or the (ABA) Stonewall,” —- Mississippi College Law Review —- (2014).
- “Peek-a-Boo I See You: The Constitution, Defamation, Plaintiffs, and Pseudonymous Internet Defendants,” 5 Florida A & M Law Review —- (2010).
- “Housing Discrimination.Com?: The Ninth Circuit (Mostly) Puts Out the Welcome Mat for Fair Housing Act Suits Against Roommate-Matching Websites,” 38 Golden Gate University Law Review 320 (2008)(co-authored with Diane J. Klein).
- “Jose Padilla and Due Process of Law,” 19 St. Thomas Law Review 199 (2007).
- “Prosecutorial Interference With the Right to Counsel and the KPMG Prosecution: An Analysis From a Constitutional, Ethical and Economic Perspective,” 24 Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 195 (2007)(co-authored with Kevin S. Marshall.”
- “The State Farm Punitive Damage Multiplier in the Courts: Early Returns,” 17 St. Thomas Law Review 61 (2004).
- “The Juvenile Death Penalty: The Beat Goes On,” 24 Journal of Juvenile Law 45 (2004).
- “The Government Attorney and the Right to Blow the Whistle: The Cindy Ossias Case and Its Aftermath (A Two Year Journey to Nowhere),” 25 Whittier Law Review 21 (2003).
- “The Constitution, Notice and the Sins of the Fathers,” 8 Journal of Juvenile Law 12 (1984).
- “Termination of Parental Rights: Habeas Corpus May Not Be Invoked,” 7 Journal of Juvenile Law 7 (1983).
- “Standard of Proof in Parental Termination Proceedings: Santosky v. Kramer,” 6 Journal of Juvenile Law 27 (1982).
- “A Brief Survey of the Law of School Desegregation – The Los Angeles Case,” 10 Southwestern L. Rev. 487 (1979).
- “Transitory Chattels and Stationary Law,” 25 Journal of Air Law and Commerce
35 (1959).
- “Two Justices,” 32 University of La Verne Law Review 1(2010).
Commentary in National Publications
- “Vox Populi: Is it Time to Reform the Electoral College?” The Federal Lawyer, July 2008. (co-authored with David A. Sonner)
- “‘Under God’ And Vouchers-Ambivalence in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence,” The Federal Lawyer, May 2003.
- “The Naked Truth About Expert Witnesses,” 15 The Professional Lawyer, No. 2, p.2. (2004).
- “Ethics Rules in Flux: Conscience, Clarity and Confidentiality in California,” 15 The Professional Lawyer, No. 1, p. 22 (2004).
- “Missouri lawmakers make last stand to void federal legislation,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, September 4, 2013.
- “Why pray before a town hall meeting?” Los Angeles Daily Journal, June 5, 2013.
- “Case law unclear on church graduation,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 24, 2013.
- “Restoring Justice,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, December 26, 2008.
- “A Judgment Day That Rarely Comes,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, October 21, 2008.
- “A Hollywood Ending,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, October 2, 2008.
- “Jet Flagged,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 28, 2008.
- “Creating Rights,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 18, 2007.
- “Harsh Treatment of Padilla Sets Bad Precedent,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, November 7, 2006.
- “Supreme Court Sidesteps Important Treaty to Let Convictions Stand,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 24, 2006.
- “Free Speech Ruling Makes Little Allowance for the Realities of Life,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 1, 2006.
- “‘Hamdan’ an Executive Setback, but to What Extent?” Los Angeles Daily Journal, July 19, 2006.
- “Mundane Crimes Lead to Worldly Conflicts of Law,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, June 12, 2006.
- “Court Must Set Standards for Ethical Practice,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 17, 2006.
- “Executive Plays Judiciary to Detain Padilla,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, January 30, 2006.
- “Expect Alito to vote to limit, overturn Roe,” Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, January 12, 2006.
- “Perfect Question for Alito Lies in 1982 Case,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, November 25, 2006.
- “The Dwindling Importance of Roberts’ Conflict in ‘Hamdan,’” Los Angeles Daily Journal, September 28, 2005.
- “Chances of Roberts’ Approval 100 Percent,” Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Ontario, California, July 24, 2005.
- “State of Texas Clashes With World Court in Death Penalty Case,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, April 7, 2005.
- “In Debate Over Citation of Foreign Decisions, It’s Scalia vs. Breyer,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, February 25, 2005.
- “Cop’s Porn-Video Ruling Returns Sanity to 9th Circuit States,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, December 14, 2004.
- “Commandments Tango Continues,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, November 18, 2004.
- “Protection for Public Workers’ Speech Needs Adjustment,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, September 24, 2004.
- “Attorneys Whose Practices Cross State Lines Need Protection,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 11, 2004.
- “Fate of Same-Sex Marriage Depends on Multiple Laws,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, April 6, 2004.
- “Clash Between State Bar Rules and Rules of SEC Puts Attorneys in Bind,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, January 29, 2004.
- “California Plays Catch-Up With Bill Creating Exceptions to Confidentiality,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, October 30, 2003.
- “Inflammatory Acts,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, April 25, 2003.
- “Court Says Making Screeners Be Citizens Is Unconstitutional,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, January 6, 2003.
- “Institutional Advertising Must Be Factually Accurate,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 30, 2002.
- “Divide and Conquer–Line of Decisions by Five High Court Justices Curtails Civil Rights, National Power,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, June 6, 2001.
- “Sweat Expression-Why Should Corporate Image Advertising Receive More Protection Than Shoe Ads?” Los Angeles Daily Journal, January 31, 2001.
- “Unequal Protection-‘Limits on Marriage’ Initiative May Not Survive a Constitutional Challenge,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 3, 2000.
- (The Daily Journal articles listed above were in most cases featured on the OpEd page, some with illustrations. The Los Angles Daily Journal is the most circulated legal newspaper in California. Some of the articles have appeared in the sister publication in San Francisco.)
- Legal Columns for Inland Business Magazine (1983-1991).
- Commentator on constitutional issues, KPCC (89.3 FM) Pasadena, seven occasions, from July, 2005, through the present.
Recent Speaking
- Riverside County Bar Association, “The Voting Rights Act of 1965: Past, Present and Future,” November 15, 2013. [Presented essentially the same talk to ULV CLPS faculty, January 22, 2015.]
- Claremont Common Cause, Discussant, “Corporations in the American Electoral Process,” September 30, 2011.
- Presentation on ethics to Chinese Lawyers from Shandong Province, China, Cal State San Bernardino, August 1, 2008.
- University of La Verne College of Law and Public Service MCLE program, “Professional Responsibility & Ethical Overview,” November 10, 2006.
- University of La Verne College of Law and Public Service student groups, “Should Judges Secure Unenumerated Rights”? From Lochner to Lawrence, November 7, 2006.
- Speaker on professional responsibility, “Bridging the Gap” program for new admittees, San Bernardino, June 17, 2006, June 26, 2004 and other Bridging the Gap programs in the past on behalf of county bar associations.
- Speaker, “Professional Ethics in the Condemnation Process,” Eminent Domain Conference, Los Angeles, California, June 9, 2006.
- Panelist, Symposium on “Religion and the Law,” Chapman University School of Law, April 27, 2006.
- Speaker, “Supreme Court Nomination Hearings as Kabuki Dance,” Riverside County Bar Association, January 13, 2006.
- Speaker, “Federal Regulation of Attorney Conduct,” Annual Meeting of Federal Bar Association, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, September 23, 2005.
- Speaker, “James Buchanan, Our Worst President?” Brethren Hillcrest Home,
La Verne, California, September 15, 2005. - Speaker, “The Kelo Aftershock: What Does the Fifth Amendment Takings
Clause Now Mean?” Federal Bar Association, Inland Empire Chapter, August 9,
2005. - Panelist, Symposium on Church/State issues, Chapman University Law
School, April 20, 2005. - Speaker, presentation on Church/State issues, Riverside County Bar
Association, November 15, 2004. - Speaker, Federal Bar Association program on Federal regulation of lawyer
conduct, Federal Courthouse, Riverside, August 26, 2004. - Riverside County Bar Association, presentation on legal issues of same
sex marriage, June 25, 2004. - Panelist, evening program at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Tustin, program on recent constitutional church/state issues, November 6, 2002.
- Speaker, monthly meeting of San Bernardino County Bar Association,
“Multijurisdictional Practice,” September 19, 2002. - Panelist, Federal Bar Association, Inland Empire Chapter, program on
recent constitutional church/state decisions, August 21, 2002. - Speaker, Las Vegas Legal, “Multijurisdictional Practice,” January 19,
2002. - Panelist, Federal Bar Association, Inland Empire Chapter, program on
anti-terrorism legislation then in progress, October 14, 2001. - Speaker, Pomona-Citrus Legal Secretaries Association, September 20, 2001.
- Speaker, Ontario Kiwanis, September 4, 2001.
Book Reviews
- Approximately ten book reviews published in Federal Lawyer, 2008-date.
Awards / Honors
- Erwin Chemerinsky Defender of the Constitution Award, May 17, 2011, Federal Bar Association, Inland Empire Chapter.
- Teacher of the Year, 2012-2013 (co-winner).
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Western San Bernardino County Bar Association, October 2013.
Additional Information
Professional Activities
- President, Inland Empire Chapter, Federal Bar Association, 2004-2005; Board of Directors 2001-date.
- President, San Bernardino County Bar Association (1997-1998); Director (1993-1999).
- President, Western San Bernardino County Bar Association (1983-1984); Director (1981-1985).
- Member, Professional Ethics Committee, Federal Bar Association, 2004-2010.
Member, Board of Directors, West End Legal Aid Clinic (2001-2002). - Member, California Coordinating Committee for ABA Ethics 2000 (2000-2003).
- Member, Board of Directors, San Bernardino County Law Libraries (1999-2000).
- Judge Pro Tem, Superior and Municipal Courts, San Bernardino County (1990-2005).
- Director, Inland Counties Legal Services Corporation (1985-1987).
- Delegate and Alternate, Conference of Delegates, State Bar of California (1982 to 2000, most years).
- Member, Resolutions Committee, Conference of Delegates, State Bar of California (1990-1993).
- Member, Board of Directors, Baldy View Chapter, Building Industry Association (1980-1995).
Memberships, Past and Current
American Bar Association; Federal Bar Association; San Bernardino County Bar Association; Western San Bernardino County Bar Association; Real Property Sections, A.B.A. and State Bar; Upland and Ontario Chambers of Commerce; West End Executives’ Association.
Community Activities
- Team Co-Captain, American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, Claremont (2004-2006. Co-chair of Relay of Life teams of Claremont Sunrise Rotary Club 2012-date).
- Claremont Chamber of Commerce as representative of the University of La Verne (2002-date).
- Member, Board of Directors, Claremont Heritage (1992).
- Chairman, City of Claremont 75th Birthday Celebration Committee (1982).
- Director, Claremont Historic Resources Center (1980-1985).
- Regional Commissioner, American Youth Soccer Organization, Claremont (1980-1982); Coach and referee (1975-1986).
- Sports Anchor, “Focus 91711″ (CATV Channel 3, Claremont (1991-1992)).
- Upland Literacy Alliance.
Born: October 16, 1935
Married, three children, born 1961, 1962 and 1966
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