Dr. Randy Rubin
H. Randall Rubin joined the full-time faculty of the College of Law and Public Service in 1990. In 1996, he was granted tenure and promoted to the rank of full Professor of Law in 2001. Dean Rubin served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 1996 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2007. Dean Rubin once again assumed the position of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in June of 2013. Dean Rubin also served as Interim Dean of the College of Law and Public Service in both the 2002-2003 academic year and the 2007-2008 academic year.
Dean Rubin’s teaching specialty is in the area of Business Organizations which includes Agency/Partnership; LPs, LLPs, LLCs and Corporations; and Securities Regulation. Dean Rubin has taught Sales (UCC Article 2) since 1989. Dean Rubin has been the recipient of the College of Law and Public Service Professor of the Year/Distinguished Professor in 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2002, and 2005.
Prior to coming to La Verne Law, Dean Rubin worked as an Associate in a small Los Angeles law firm handling general civil, corporate, and family law matters, before opening a general litigation firm in the Inland Empire of Southern California, focusing on business start-ups, general civil, criminal defense, family law, and appellate advocacy.
Dean Rubin’s dissertation topic in was: “A Study to Determine What Drug-Testing Policies Are Likely to be Implemented in California Public High Schools Over the next Five Years in Light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Board of Education v. Earls Which Upheld the Constitutionality of a School District’s Policy of Random Suspicionless Drug-Testing of Students Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities.” 2005
Educational Background
- University of La Verne
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
- Southwestern University School of Law
Juris Doctor.
- University of Southern California
Master of Public Administration
- California State University at Long Beach
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science-Public Administration
- The Critical Role of Family in Passing the Bar Exam: Teaching Families to Support our Graduates, The Law Teacher (Spring, 2006 at 10)
- But Wait There’s Moore: A New Paradigm for Establishing a Community Property Interest in Highly Appreciated Personal Property in the Hot Collector Car Market. “Journal of the Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.” 17 J.L. BUS. & ETHICS 77 (2011)
- Over a Quarter-century of Jurisprudence: Do We Really Need Moore? February, 2011, Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, Palm Springs, California.
- But Wait, There’s Moore: A New Paradigm for Establishing a Community Property Interest in Highly Appreciated Personal Property in the Hot Collector Car Market. February, 2010, Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, Palm Springs, California.
- Effective Cross-Examination: Moderator and presenter at Continuing Legal Education presentation in Las Vegas, Nevada, Hosted by the University of La Verne College of Law and Public Service’s Center for Excellence in Advocacy, February 9, 2007
- Civil Practice – Pointers for the New Attorney: Keynote speaker at the San Bernardino County Barristers Association in 1998.
- Business Law in the 90’s and Beyond . . . Who Owns Whom Now? Keynote speaker at the Southern California Association of Law Libraries conference in 1998 in Palm Springs, California.
- Business Start-Ups: How Should Your New Business Look? Presenter at First Annual Inland Empire Latino Business Conference and Expo in Ontario in 1993.
- “A Study to Determine What Drug-Testing Policies Are Likely To be Implemented in California Public High Schools Over the Next Five Years in Light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision In Board of Education v. Earls which Upheld the Constitutionality of a School District’s Policy of Random Suspicionless Drug-Testing of Students Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities.” 2005.
Awards / Honors
- College of Law and Public Service Professor of the Year/Distinguished Professor recipient or co-recipient: 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2002, and 2005.
- Conference Finalist Paper Award: Top five peer-reviewed paper award at 2010 Annual Conference of the Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Palm Springs, California.
Additional Information
Service to the University of La Verne
- Chair of University Personnel Council from 1993 to 2007.
- Team Leader for the College of Law and Public Service on the Campus Diversity Initiative: 2003-2004.
- University of La Verne College of Law and Public Service: Served on or chaired the following committees: scholarship, admissions, academic standards, diversity, faculty personnel committee, and faculty recruitment committee.
- Chair, Search Committee for Dean of College of Law and Public Service, 2008.
- University’s Budget Advisory Task Force, 2009 – 2010.
- University Faculty Development Task Force, 2011-present.
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