Dr. Megan Granquist
Director, Athletic Training Program & Professor, Kinesiology
Dr. Granquist’s scholarly work can be found at Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Educational Background
- PhD: University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- MS: University of Oregon
- BS: Pacific Lutheran University
Selected Publications
- Contreras, D., Granquist, M.D., Martin, L. (2023). Examination of stress, sport anxiety, neuroticism, and coping in student-athletes: implications for patient mental health. Journal of Athletic Training (Special Issue Mental Health).
- Cook, S., Granquist, M.D., Wagoner, Z. (2022). Incorporating interfaith concepts in education on patient-centered care. Athletic Training Education Journal (Special Issue DEIA), 17(4):373–379.
- Appaneal, R., & Granquist, M.D. (2020). A sport psychology consultation with an athlete with injury. In Ivarsson & Johnson (Eds.), Psychological Bases of Sport Injuries (4th ed.) Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, Inc.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M.M., & Granquist, M.D. (2020). Psychosocial Considerations for Rehabilitation of the Injured Athletic Patient. In Prentice (Ed.), Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, 7th ed. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc.
- Granquist, M.D., Hamson-Utley, J., Kenow, L.J., & Stiller-Ostrowski, J. (2014). Psychosocial Strategies for Athletic Training. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.
- Granquist, M.D., Hamson-Utley, J., Kenow, L.J., & Stiller-Ostrowski, J. (2014). Instructor’s Guide for Psychosocial Strategies for Athletic Training. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.
- Granquist, M.D., & Brewer, B.W. (2013). Psychological aspects of rehabilitation adherence. In Arvinen-Barrow, & N. Walker (Eds.), The Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
- Granquist, M.D., Podlog, L., Engel, J.R., & Newland, A. (2014). Certified athletic trainers’ perspectives on rehabilitation adherence within collegiate athletic training settings. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 23(2).
- Granquist, M.D. (2013). Athletes’ attitudes on treatment seeking, injury reporting, and severity of and playing with injuries. Journal of Athletic Training, 48(3), S-249.
- Granquist, M.D., Gill, D.L., & Appaneal, R.N. (2010). Development of a measure of rehabilitation adherence for athletic training. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 19, 249-267.
Awards / Honors
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Leadership (2019): For providing extraordinary leadership to the College through compassion, service, and inspiration to our students and community.
Spirit of La Verne Award – Interfaith Cooperation (2017)
- Excellence in Teaching Award – University of La Verne (2014)
- La Verne Scholars Award – University of La Verne (2013)
- Susan Stout Research Award, University of North Carolina at Greensboro: The role of athlete hardiness and self-efficacy in predicting athletic injury rehabilitation adherence (2007)
Additional Information
Master of Science in Athletic Training
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