What Matters to Me & Why: Lucero Rojo
March 27, 2025 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

This month’s featured speaker for “What Matter’s to Me and Why” is Lucero Rojo, Assistant Vice President for Alumni Engagement! We are excited for Lucero to share with our community! The gathering is scheduled for Thursday, March 27 at 1 pm in the Ludwick Center Sacred Space.
Each month, we feature a staff, faculty, or administrator to share what matters to them most and why: reflections on their pivotal experiences, important identities, spirituality/faith, deepest values, sense of meaning/purpose, commitments and practices that guide, shape, sustain and motivate them in this life. The series is an opportunity to be inspired by one another, build community, and to deepen connection through authentic sharing and conversation. We hope you will join us!
“What Matters to Me and Why” is held monthly on Thursdays from 1-2 pm in the Sacred Space. The program will include a 20-minute presentation by the featured speaker, a time of Q&A, and the final 15 minutes will be a light reception of coffee, tea, and the speaker’s favorite snack food! All employees and students are invited.
This series is sponsored by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Office of Black Student Services, and the Center for Multicultural Services.