To route you to the most helpful resource, browse the list below by your area (division or college) or by topic.
Marketing and Communications Resources By Area
Athletics: Oliver Unaka
College of Arts and Sciences: Oliver Unaka
College of Business: Jamie Ayala
College of Health and Community Well-Being: Oliver Unaka
College of Law and Public Service: Sasha Chavez
Enrollment Management: Natalie Goss
First Generation and Peer Mentorship: Oliver Unaka
Human Resources: Sasha Chavez
LaFetra College of Education: Natalie Goss
Office of Civic and Community Engagement: Sasha Chavez
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity: Oliver Unaka
Office of the President: Oliver Unaka
Randall Lewis Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Social Impact: Sasha Chavez
Marketing and Communications Resources By Topic
Advertising: Natalie Goss
Branding: Marissa Merida
Communications: Oliver Unaka and Savannah Thomas
Experts Guide: Jamie Ayala
General Information: Peter Esquivel
Graphic Design: Marissa Merida
Marketing: Natalie Goss
News Stories: Jamie Ayala
Photography: Brandon Le
Project Management: Natalie Goss
Public Relations and Media: Jamie Ayala
Social Media: Jamie Ayala
Videography: Brandon Le
Website Maintenance: Natalie Goss