Dr. Marcia Godwin
Professor, Public Administration
Marcia L. Godwin provides regular commentary on California elections and local government issues to local and national media outlets. She has published in the areas of local government, public engagement, participatory budgeting, elections, emotional labor, and public affairs education. She is a longtime contributor to the biennial Roads to Congress series and became a coeditor in 2016. Her research has been published in Administrative Theory and Praxis; Journal of Public Affairs Education; Policy Studies Journal; Politics, Groups, and Identities; State and Local Government Review; Teaching Public Administration; and other publications. Godwin also served as coeditor and contributor, with Sean D. Foreman, of Local Government and Mayoral Elections in 21st Century America. She is on the editorial board for State and Local Government Review. She was inducted into the La Verne Academy in 2020.
Godwin has extensive experience in local government administration in Southern California and continues to be active with several nonprofit and professional organizations. She was a founding member of Women Leading Government and is on the board of directors of HdL, Cohen, and Cone, which provides property tax consulting services to most California cities.
Godwin received a PhD in political science from Claremont Graduate University in 2000.
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Women Also Know: https://www.womenalsoknowstuff.com/profile/marcia-godwin-1