Director of Honors and Interdisciplinary Initiatives
Areas of Expertise: consumer activism, labor histories, politics, U.S. Brewing, U.S. History, U.S./Mexico Border
Main: (909) 448-4737

Professor, Management
Main: (909) 448-4412

Professor, Public Administration
Areas of Expertise: budgeting, citizen participation, civic engagement, Congress, congressional races, Democrats, electability, election behavior, females in politics, fiscal stress, gender, gender in politics, kleptocracy, local elections, local government and urban politics, political participation, political science, public administration, public opinion, public policy, public policy snalysis, research methods, Southern California government, tax collection practices, the Bell scandal, voting behavior
Main: (909) 448-4103

Associate Professor, Psychology
Areas of Expertise: assessment, child psychology, chronic pain, culture, interdisciplinary care, Mental Health, parenting, pediatric psychology, prevention
Office: (909) 448-4186