Applying for CPT

As an F1 student, you have the option of working in the United States by engaging in practical training during your program. Practical training can provide valuable work experience by sharpening and adding to the skills you are learning in your program.

Requirements for Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

  • CPT must be directly related to your major area of study and be an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.
  • You must have completed a minimum of 1 academic year in your degree program at the University of La Verne.
  • You can work on CPT either full-time (21 or more hours) or part-time (20 hours or less).
  • Full-time CPT is only granted when it is a requirement of your program or during summer or January session.
  • If you have 12 months or more of full-time CPT, you will become ineligible for OPT.
  • CPT requires a signed cooperative agreement or a letter from your employer.
  • Your DSO will provide you with a new I-20 that shows that the DSO has approved you for this employment.

How to Apply for CPT

To apply for curricular practical training, you must submit gather the following items:

Step 1: CPT Request Form

Fill out CPT Request Form and have it approved by your Program Chair

Step 2: Obtain a Job Offer Letter from Employer indicating the following:
    • Job/Internship title
    • Dates of employment
    • Number of work hours per week (part time/full time)
    • Location of employment/internship
    • Description of work
Step 3: Pay for 1 unit of independent study with Student Accounts
Step 4: Submit documents using the CPT Submission Form

Fill out the CPT Submission Form where you can upload the CPT Request Form, Job Offer Letter, and receipt from Student Accounts.

Curricular practical training is not meant to be a convenient employment opportunity. If all eligibility requirements are met, an international student advisor will authorize CPT and update your I-20. You must be careful not to start nor end outside of the authorized employment dates on the I-20. Unauthorized employment is a violation of your F1 status. If you work off campus without authorized CPT paid/unpaid your I-20 will be terminated. Failing to meet the requirements of work authorization such as course enrollment or failing to maintain full-time status is also a violation of the F1 visa.

How to Apply for a Social Security Number (SSN)

If it’s a paid position, the student will need to request a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) office. To request a SSN, the student will need to submit the CPT I-20 (with approved CPT), and Job Offer Letter to the ISSA office. For more information, click on International Students and Social Security Numbers.