The Writing Program views the liberal arts tradition of studying language, rhetoric, and multimodal discourses as foundational to ethical and reflective written communication in the disciplines, professions, and civic life. Writing courses in the General Education Written Communication Area requirement (LVWA and LVWB) are designed to introduce writing processes, audience-based communication and research writing as fundamental to lifelong learning. Students must complete all Writing courses with a grade of C- or higher to pass.
Students placed inWRT 109 through the Writing Program placement process must complete WRT 109 with a grade of C or higher in order to enroll in WRT 110. Students must complete WRT 110 with a grade of C- or higher in order to satisfy LVWA and WRT 111 with a grade of C- or higher in order to satisfy LVWB. Students wishing to major in creative writing must fulfill core requirements and electives. Students wishing to minor in creative writing must fulfill core requirements.
Information on this page is subject to change. Official program and course information is available in the University of La Verne Catalog.