Think someone is cheating? Sanctions are based on premeditation and may include permanent transcript notation and course failure.
You are in a group of five students writing a paper for your Sociology 101 class. The other four members want to cut and paste everything from the Internet because they believe the professor will not check the source of your information. You feel pressured to go along with the group, but you know regardless of whether the professor checks, copying the content directly and alleging it is your own is not right. What do you do?
- Do you know how academic misconduct is defined at the university?
- Have you ever cheated before? If so, would you admit it if your professor asked you? What about in a job interview? Why or why not?
- What are the costs and benefits of cheating?
- In what ways do we help/hurt others by letting them cheat?
- In what ways do we help/hurt ourselves by cheating/letting others cheat?
- If a group member is caught cheating, how could that impact your group or your group’s image?
- What are the main reasons people cheat, in your opinion?
- What is more important in determining your actions – integrity or loyalty?
- In what ways is being successful in your sport or other extracurricular activities similar to being successful as a student?
- How consistent are your actions with regard to the characteristics of, or strategies for, successful students, athletes and leaders (see below)?
Considerations and Characteristics
Academic misconduct can include:
- Plagiarism (intentional or unintentional);
- Cheat sheets/other forms of cheating;
- Having someone take a test for you;
- Copying a test;
- Lying about circumstances; and
- Having someone sign in for you.
Did you know…?
Many times, sanctions are determined by the level of premeditation of the infraction.
Sanctions can include:
- Failing the class;
- Loss of credit in course;
- Written warning;
- Temporary transcript notation;
- Permanent transcript notation;
- Removed from major;
- Expulsion; and
- Rescinding a degree.
Characteristics of a Successful Student, Athlete, Leader
- Maturity
- Emotional Intelligence/Self Control
- Motivation
- Ability to handle stress
- Good Decision Maker
- Adaptable
- Committed
- Resilient
- Assumes Personal Responsibility
- Ability to ask for help
- Honest with others and themselves
Action Steps
- Plan Properly
- Communicate Effectively – talk to your professor
- Disclose – be honest and open about your situation
- Know the material – take good notes
- When in doubt – CITE!
Other Strategies for Success
- Decide for yourself not to cheat.
- Accept ownership for your academic success.
- Set academic goals
- Do not miss class
- Study every day
- Read and follow your class syllabus – plan ahead
- Get help as soon as you need it
- Build a relationship with your professor or the TA
- Review all your exams
- Participate in class
If a friend is cheating, plagiarizing, skipping classes, or doing poorly in classes, then consider taking these action steps:
Talk to the person:
- Talk to the person about why the behavior is happening.
- Know appropriate resources/support
- Remind them of consequences
- Discuss Value Based Decisions – is it worth it?
- Talk to professor about prevalence of cheating – be a part of the systems change.
- Talk to an academic advisor
- Talk to a professor or TA
Academics Presentation
- Read this first
For an approximately one-hour long presentation on Academic Misconduct using Step UP! training, please CLICK HERE.
These presentations do not intend to cover all aspects of the topic nor to be the authority on the subject matter. They are merely starting points. You are encouraged to use your own resources and professionals on campus to help supplement the information and co-present if possible.
- University Code of Conduct
- Dean of Students Office
- Tutoring
- Teaching Centers or Learning Centers on campus
Coach, Assistant Coach, Athletic Directors, Administrators, Advisors, and/or Athletic Trainers
- Athletic Staff Directory
- Athletic Training
- Other support systems
- Academic Advising
- Academic Calendars
- Colleges and Programs
Including types of plagiarism, ways to prevent and FAQs:
- The Purdue OWL – Online Writing Lab – EXCELLENT!
- Plagiarism Resource Site(Including self test)
- Plagiarism in the Digital Age