2024-2025 Graduate Programs Tuition and Fees

Tuition costs and a comprehensive list of fees for graduate students.

Note: Not all fees may apply.




M.Ed., Educational Leadership, per semester hour $760
Credential program in the LaFetra College of Education, Bilingual Authorization, per semester hour $300
Credential program in the LaFetra College of Education, Clear Administrative Services (CASC), per semester hour $450
CBO/School Business Management Certificate, per certificate $7500
Credential program in the LaFetra College of Education, Health Education for Educators, per semester hour $150
Credential program in the LaFetra College of Education, Preliminary Administrative Services (PASC), standalone credential, per semester hour $300
Master’s Degree and Credential program in the LaFetra College of Education, per semester hour $820
Master of Science in School Psychology, per semester hour $820
Master’s Degree in Athletic Training, per semester hour $765
Master’s Degree in the College of  Health and Community Well Being (Marriage and Family Therapy), per semester hour $940
Master’s Degrees in the College of Business (Business Admin, Accounting, Finance, and Leadership & Management, Data Analytics), per semester hour $955
Master’s Degrees in the College of Health and Community Well Being (Health Admin and M.S. Child Life), per semester hour $805
Master’s Degree (Active duty military rate), per semester hour $395
Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A), Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), per semester hour $1,310
Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.), per semester hour $1,270
Non-Degree Seeking Students Enrolled in Graduate Courses, per semester hour $955



APA fee (doctoral students) $100
Appeals $50
Application, doctoral $75
Application, master’s and credential $50
Assessment Testing Kit Fee $50
Auditing, per semester hour one-half normal tuition
Authentication Certificate (Apostille) $80-$110
Cap and Gown Fee (doctoral students) $80
Competency Exam (COB) $150
Continuous Registration, doctoral ( Ed.D & D.P.A), 1-2 semester hours of tuition $1,270-$2,540
Continuous Registration, doctoral (PsyD & D.B.A), 1-2 semester hours of tuition $1,310 – $2,620
Course Challenge one semester hour of tuition
Deferred Payment Plan Fee, per semester $75
Deferred Payment Plan Fee, summer $50
Dissertation completion $450
Graduation, doctoral $300
Graduation, master’s $160
Health and Wellness Fee,  (mandatory for all international graduate students) per semester  $300
Insurance Medical Services Fee,  (mandatory for all international graduate students, unless waiver is submitted and approved) per semester  $602
Insurance Medical Services Fee,  (mandatory for all new international graduate students, unless waiver is submitted and approved) for summer and/or fall or spring session 2 enrollment only $301
Late Financial Arrangement $100-300
Lost (Replacement) ID card $5
Make-Up Examinations $40
Missed Payment Fee $35
MSAT Multipurpose Fee (per year)


MSAT Board of Certification Practicum Exam

MSAT Live Scan

MSAT Mini-medical kit with supplies


MSAT Professional Attire/Uniform

Registration Fee, per course $30
Returned Check/Rejected Credit Card $25
RICA Test Preparation Fee $100
Student Tuition Deposit (non-refundable)* $200
Taskstream Account Misuse Fee $27-70
Transcript, per copy $12
Transcript sent certified mail, per copy $15
Transcript (23-hour turn around), per copy $20
Transcript (special handling/request), per copy $35
Transitional Kindergarten Certification (non-degree credit), per semester $200

* These fees are not applicable to all programs.