Dr. Xiaoyan (Cheyenne) Liu is a tenured full professor at the University of La Verne. Prof. Liu has published over forty research papers. Her research interests include exploring approximation theories with polynomial, rational, exponential or trigonometric spline functions, as well as applying approximation theories in numerical solutions of non-linear differential and integral equations emerging from many fields, including dynamic systems, mathematical applications in economics, communication theory, optimization and optimal control systems, biology and population growth, continuum and quantum mechanics, kinetic theory of gases, electricity and magnetism, potential theory, geophysics, etc.
Her studying of bivariate polynomial, trigonometric and exponential spline functions on hexagonal lattices could be applied to image processing, and computer aided curve and surface designs. Prof. Liu has attended and presented research papers in many international mathematical conferences. Furthermore, Prof. Liu has helped many undergraduate and high school students to do research projects related to the mathematical modeling in different disciplines.
Professor Xiaoyan Liu received her PH. D. in Mathematical Analysis from the University of South Florida, her master degree in Computational Mathematics from Hefei University of Technology. She is a member of the American Mathematical Society, Member of the Mathematical Association of America and Member of Association for Women in Mathematics.