Documentation Guidelines

Though reporting formats vary, the following information and data are generally recommended in order for the University of La Verne to best determine appropriate reasonable accommodations:

  • a clear statement of the diagnosed disability and severity of the condition
  • the date of diagnosis and date of most recent evaluation
  • identification of the major life functions impacted by the disability
  • a diagnostic summary, including any relevant history, with an indication of how the disability will affect participation in college courses, activities, and/or the residential experience
  • description of any auxiliary aids used by the student (e.g., hearing aids, assistive listening devices, visual aids, etc.)
  • recommended accommodations that are appropriate to address the impact of the disability
  • name, title, license number and state (if applicable), address, phone number, fax number, email address, and dated signature of evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis

Documentation should be current; the age of the documentation required is generally dependent on the type of condition and whether the impact of the impairment on the student is fixed or changing. The following is a general guideline for appropriate documentation age;

  • Learning Disability: a full psychoeducational evaluation completed within the previous 5 years for a transfer student and 3 years for an incoming traditional undergraduate – please see specific requirements below.
  • Psychological Disability: a Verification of a Psychological Disability form from the Accessibility Services office completed within the previous 3 to 6 months or documentation as deemed appropriate by the Accessibility Services office.
  • Medical Disability: 5 to 7 years for a fixed condition within the previous 3 to 6 months if a changing condition or within the previous 2 weeks to 2 months for a temporary medical condition.
  • Physical: 5 to 7 years for a fixed condition within the previous 3 to 6 months if a changing condition or within the previous 2 weeks to 2 months for a temporary medical condition.

Assessment Criteria for a Learning Disability

A licensed clinical psychologist must perform a psychoeducational assessment. The following data is required by the University of La Verne for evaluation purposes:

  1. Standard scores, percentiles, and performance level narratives based on cognitive and achievement batteries; examples of acceptable tests include:
    1. Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities – Johnson IV (WJ IV)
    2. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV or V)
    3. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 4th Edition (WIAT-IV)
    4. Wide Range Achievement Test-5th Edition (WRAT-5)
  2. Specific area(s) of academic dysfunction/discrepancy
  3. Specific area(s) of perceptual dysfunction/discrepancy

Note: The identification of percentile rank alone is not sufficient to qualify for services. In addition, the evaluation must clearly support that the student is learning disabled.