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Search results for:Department “academic-affairs-office”

11 person records found.

Academic Affairs Office

Phone: (909) 448-4748

Loreto D'Monte
Senior Research and Data Analyst
(909) 448-4983
Angel Diaz
Business Intelligence & Data Analyst
(909) 448-1483
Julissa Espinoza
Dir, Civic & Com Engage
(909) 448-4745
Peter Esquivel
Executive Assistant to the AVP Marketing and Communications
Myrna Hugo
Program Coordinator/Office Manager
(909) 448-1447
Melissa Moss
Academic & Employer Experiences Manager, Title V LEGACY Grant
(909) 448-4749
Sarah Rodman-Alvarez
Bauccio Endowed Executive Director, Randall Lewis Center for Well-Being and Research and T5 LVE Activities Director
(909) 448-4512
Dr. Zandra Wagoner
University Chaplain & Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion
(909) 448-4446