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Search results for:Department “cas-emeriti”

13 person records found.
Dr. Jeffery Burkhart
Professor Emeritus Biology & Fletcher Jones Chair
Gary Colby
Professor, Photography Emeritus
Dr. Michael Frantz
Professor, Mathematics Emeritus
Dr. Harvey Good
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Dr. Glenn Goodwin
Visiting Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
(909) 448-4364
Dr. Jay Jones
Professor Emeritus of Biology and Biochemistry
(909) 912-4650
Mike Laponis
Professor, Communications Emeritus
(909) 448-4713
Pam Maunakea
Manager, Departmental Business II
(909) 448-4537
Dr. Dan Merritt
Professor Emeritus, Zoology
Dr. Bob Neher
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Prof. Marilyn Oliver
Professor and Athletic Trainer Emerita
(909) 593-3511