Dr. Jonathan Lee
Dr. Jonathan Lee is a Professor of Marketing at the College of Business, University of La Verne. He has extensive teaching experience, especially in quantitative modeling and marketing research. Before joining the University of La Verne, he has taught courses at Cal State University Long Beach, University of Southern California, Indiana University, and ESSEC Business School.
His research focuses on the development and application of quantitative methods in marketing. His expertise covers the different aspects of consumer choice modeling, market segmentation, prelaunch forecasting, social network analysis, and predictive marketing analytics. His research work has been published in Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Psychometrika, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Professor Lee has also consulted several companies in different industries, including telecom, airline, department store, and pharmaceutics, and successfully addressed the client’s problems in managing reward programs, web diagnostics, and new product forecasting.
Educational Background
- PhD, University of Pittsburgh
- MS Economics, Yale University
- BS Economics, Sogang University
Book Chapter(s)
- “Measuring Brand Equity: The Marketing Surplus & Efficiency (MARKSURE) based Brand Equity Measure” (2010) with Park, C. Whan, Deborah J. MacInnis, Xavier Dreze, in Brands and Brand Management: Contemporary Research Perspectives,eds. Barbara Loken, Rohini Ahluwalia, and Michael J. Houston, Taylor and Francis Group Publishing, 159-188.
Journal Articles
- “The Hierarchy-of-Effects Model and Prelaunch Forecasting” (2019), Jonathan Lee and Heungsun Hwang, International Journal of Market Research, Online First, September 13, 2019.
- “Testing Moderation and Moderated Mediation of Intent in an Advertising-Adoption Link” (2019), Jonathan Lee and Pamela Miles Homer, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 47, 408-411.
- “The Mediation Effect of Inertia on Service Duration” (2019), Jonathan Lee, Heungsun Hwang, An Tran, and Astrid Keel, Journal of Applied Structural Equations Modeling, 3(1),1-14.
- “Repositioning by Abstraction” (2017), Jonathan Lee, Heungsun Hwang, and An Tran, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.45, 449-453.
- “A Pre-Diffusion Growth Model of Intentions and Purchase” (2012), Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Jonathan Lee, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 40 (1) 137-154.
- “Generalized Structured Component Analysis with Latent Interactions” (2010), Heungsun Hwang, Moon-Ho R. Ho, and Jonathan Lee, Psychometrika, Vol. 75 (2), 228 242.
- “Managing Adoption Barriers in Integrated Banking Services” (2009), Jonathan Lee, Maureen Morrin, and Janghyuk Lee, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 23(7), 508-516.
- “Incorporating Referral Effects into Customer Lifetime Value” (2006), Jonathan Lee, Janghyuk Lee, and Lawrence Feick, Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, Vol. 14 (1), 29-39.
- “Determinants of Trademark Dilution” (2006), Maureen Morrin, Jonathan Lee, and Greg M. Allenby, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 33 (2), 248-257.
- “A Bayesian Model for Prelaunch Sales Forecasting of Recorded Music” (2003), Jonathan Lee, Peter Boatwright, and Wagner Kamakura, Management Science, Vol. 49 (1), 179-196.
- “The Impact of Switching Costs on Customer Satisfaction-Loyalty Link” (2001), Jonathan Lee, Janghyuk Lee, and Lawrence Feick, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 15 (1), 35-48.
- “The Influence of Switching Costs on Customer Retention: A Study of the Cell Phone Market in France” (1999), Jonathan Lee and Janghyuk Lee, European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 4, 277-283.
- “Modeling Preference and Structural Heterogeneity in Consumer Choice” (1996), Wagner A. Kamakura, Byung-Do Kim, and Jonathan Lee, Marketing Science, Vol. 15 (2), 179-196.
- “Consumer Evaluations of Line Extensions: A Conjoint Approach” (1996), Moonkyu Lee, Jonathan Lee, and Wagner A. Kamakura, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 23, 289-295.
Additional Information
Professional Associations
- American Marketing Association
- American Statistical Association
- The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- Marketing Science Institute
- Association for Consumer Research
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