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Search forFaculty and Staff

Search results for:Department “marketing-law”

12 person records found.
Robert Barrett Esq.
Professor, Law & Business
(909) 448-4468
Caroline Chizever Esq.
Professor, Law
(818) 295-6509
Dr. Ali Dehghan
Associate Professor, IT & Business Analytics
(909) 448-4094
Dr. Frank Fialho
Professor of Practice, Marketing
(909) 448-1513
Dr. Fengmei Gong
Associate Professor, Operations & Information Technology
(909) 448-1588
Christine Jagannathan
Professor of Practice - Business Communication
(909) 448-4144
Dr. Astrid Keel
Professor, Marketing
(909) 448-1585
Dr. David Kung
Professor, Information Technology & Decision Sciences
(909) 448-4085
Dr. Jonathan Lee
Professor, Marketing
(909) 448-4496
Dr. Jeanny Liu
Professor, Marketing
(909) 448-4058
Dr. An Tran
Associate Professor, Marketing
(909) 448-4083
Hongnai Zhang
Assistant Professor of Marketing
(909) 448-4182