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Dr. Zandra Wagoner

Dr. Zandra Wagoner

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion
University Chaplain, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion

Main: (909) 448-4446
Office: (909) 448-4448
La Verne / The Ludwick Center for Spirituality, Cultural Understanding, and Community Engagement LUD 121A

Dr. Zandra Wagoner is the Interfaith Chaplain at the University of La Verne. She is an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren and holds a Ph.D in Religious Studies. As Chaplain, she directs the multi-religious Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, furthering the University’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, ethical reasoning, and the development of the whole person. Dr. Wagoner also teaches for the Philosophy and Religion Department, including introductory courses in religion and specialized courses in the areas of gender/sexuality, contemporary theology, interfaith cooperation, and the environment/animals in the study of religion. She is actively involved in interfaith efforts locally and nationally.

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