Student Development Curriculum Programs

We are committed to helping students get hands-on experience and learn valuable skills through apprenticeship, certificate programs and creating a minor in social entrepreneurship, all as part of their University of La Verne academic experience. Some of these programs include:

Apprenticeship Program Targeting
Fall 2023
Apprenticeships provide students with opportunities to gain experience solving real-world problems, deal with uncertainty, and work with small business owners, corporate partners, faculty mentors, and advisors. The program will promote strong faculty-student and alumni-student connection and role modeling.
Certificate Programs Targeting
Fall 2023–Spring 2024
Certificate programs are being designed to prepare students to engage in the world of entrepreneurship. The interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship equips students with relevant tools for exploring various pathways to entrepreneurship such as full-time business ownership, sub-contracting (freelancing), consulting, corporate intrapreneurship or mission-driven social entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to utilize agile and lean business plan for startup projects that is ready for pitching.

In 2024, certificate programs will be developed in partnership with the new Cástulo de la Rocha College of Health and Community Well-Being to help educate and fill critical job needs in the region.

Minor in Social Entrepreneurship Targeting
Spring 2024
Students who take advantage of this minor will explore the field of social enterprise and practice analysis, impact investing, cause-related marketing, environmental sustainability and global social impact. After graduation, students can launch a social enterprise or embed sustainable social impact into existing organizations.