Navigating ULV’s Sexual Misconduct Response


Who Can I Talk To?

  • ULV Title IX Office    The Title IX Coordinator can provide you information about your rights and options under University’s policy. Meeting with the Title IX Office does not obligate you to go through the Title IX grievance process.
  • Law Enforcement    The University’s Title IX grievance process and the law enforcement investigation process are different. If you have experienced criminal misconduct, you may choose to go through the Title IX and/or the criminal process. If you want to report a possible crime to law enforcement, the University can help connect you with the appropriate police department.
  • On-Campus Confidential Resources    Professionals at the Student Health Center, Counseling and Psychological Services Office (CAPS), and the University’s Chaplain are all Confidential Resources and do not have to report allegations of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Please note that Confidential Resources may have other reporting obligations due to child abuse reporting laws or other regulations.
  • Off-Campus Resources    Local resources in the community include Project Sister Family Services (rape crisis center), House of Ruth (domestic violence support organization), law enforcement, and local medical and mental health professionals. Off-campus resources do not have to report allegations of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • Other Campus Employees    All University employees that are not Confidential Resources are required to report any allegations of sexual misconduct directly to the Title IX Coordinator.

What Support Is Available To Me?

Supportive measures are available at any point in the Title IX process and do not require an individual to submit a formal complaint. Supportive measures include services aimed at restoring and preserving access to University programs. Supportive measures are not disciplinary in nature. The following are common supportive measures:

  • No-Contact Orders (a non-disciplinary directive aimed at preventing conflict between individuals)
  • Academic accommodations (e.g., excused absences, extension of deadlines, schedule modifications)
  • Housing accommodations (e.g., dorm assignment adjustments, emergency housing)
  • Campus support referrals (e.g., CAPS, Student Health Center, Student Outreach & Support Office)
  • Other reasonable supports based on individual needs

What Are My Resolution Options?

Individuals may choose to submit or not to submit a Formal Complaint to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator may also sign a Formal Complaint if a Complainant elects not to submit a Formal Complaint and the Title IX Coordinator determines it is appropriate to do so. There is no timeliness requirement for submitting a Formal Complaint, but extended delays may result in loss of evidence and jurisdictional barriers. If no Formal Complaint is signed, the Complainant can still receive supportive measures.

What Are My Formal Complaint Options?

A Formal Complaint can lead to either a formal grievance process or an informal resolution. In order to utilize an informal resolution option, both parties and the Title IX Coordinator must agree to do so. If one party does not agree to utilize informal resolution or the informal resolution attempted is not satisfactory, the formal grievance process will be resumed. The parties may elect to attempt an informal resolution even after a formal grievance process has begun.

Formal Complaint Process Steps

  1. Investigation
  2. Live hearing
  3. Findings and Sanctions (if applicable)
  4. Appeal (if pursued by either party)

Informal Resolution Options

  • Supportive resolution
  • Alternative resolution
  • Accepted responsibility