Services for Students

The Career Center at the University of La Verne is committed to providing comprehensive support and resources to empower students in their career development journey. Our services are designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in the ever-evolving professional landscape. Here’s an overview of the services available:

Career Counseling: Our experienced career counselors offer personalized guidance to students at every stage of their career exploration and development. Whether you’re exploring majors, searching for internships, or preparing for post-graduation opportunities, our counselors are here to help you clarify your goals and develop a strategic plan.

Resume and Cover Letter Assistance: Crafting a compelling resume and cover letter is essential for making a strong impression on employers. Our team provides individualized feedback and assistance to help students create polished, professional documents that effectively showcase their skills and experiences.

Mock Interviews: Preparation is key to performing well in interviews. We offer mock interview sessions where students can practice their interviewing skills in a supportive environment. Our team provides constructive feedback and tips for improvement to help students feel confident and prepared for the real thing.

Job and Internship Search Support: Navigating the job and internship market can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help. Our career center provides resources and guidance to help students identify opportunities, research companies, and develop effective job search strategies.

Career Workshops and Events: Throughout the academic year, we host workshops, seminars, and networking events to help students enhance their professional skills and expand their professional networks. Topics may include resume writing, LinkedIn optimization, networking strategies, and more.

Career Resources: Our career center maintains a library of resources in Handshake, including career guides, industry research, and online tools, to support students in their career exploration and development.

Alumni Services: Our support doesn’t end at graduation. We offer career services to alumni, including access to job postings, career counseling, and networking opportunities to support their ongoing professional growth.

Whether you’re a first-year student exploring your options or a senior preparing to enter the workforce, the Career Center is here to support you every step of the way. We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your career goals and realize your full potential.