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Search forFaculty and Staff

Search results for:Department “college-of-arts-and-sciences”

121 person records found.

College of Arts and Sciences

Phone: (909) 448-4188

Stephanie Abundiz
Department Manager, Sociology/Anthropology
(909) 448-4170
Dr. Ray Ahmadnia
Associate Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4621
Thomas Allison
Associate Professor, Legal Studies
(909) 448-4358
Dr. Gitty Amini
Associate Professor, Political Science
(909) 448-4735
Dr. Nick Athey
Assistant Professor
(909) 448-4636
Dr. Clara Barr
Instructor, English
(909) 448-4497
Dr. Jane Beal
Professor, English Literature
(909) 448-1578
Carolyn Bekhor
Professor, Legal Studies
(909) 448-4410
Shannon Benine
Associate Professor of Photography
(909) 448-4070
Sean Bernard
Professor, Creative Writing
(909) 448-4714
Eric Borer
Manager, Journalism Operations
(909) 448-4732