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Search results for:Department “sociology-anthropology”

8 person records found.

Sociology and Anthropology

Phone: (909) 448-4171

Stephanie Abundiz
Department Manager, Sociology/Anthropology
(909) 448-4170
Dr. Nick Athey
Assistant Professor
(909) 448-4636
Dr. Joseph Cabrera
Asst Dean UG Prog Director LVE
(909) 448-1582
Johnna Christian
Associate Professor, Sociology
Lauren Crossland-Marr
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Dr. Stacey Haug
Instructor, Sociology
(909) 448-4364
Dr. Alessandro Morosin
Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology
(909) 448-4168
Dr. Raúl Pérez Ph.D.
Assoc Professor, Sociology
(909) 448-4172