Dr. Joseph Cabrera
Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs and Faculty Affairs
Asst Dean UG Prog Director LVE
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Sociology, University of Arizona, 2010
- M.A. Sociology, University of Arizona, 2003
- M.U.P. Urban Planning, CUNY-Hunter College, 2000
- B.A. Social Ecology, minor Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, 1997
Selected Publications
- Cabrera, J, R Harrison, J Tsui. Forthcoming. “Network analysis of a collaborative project to advance culture change in a skilled nursing setting.” Progress in Community Health
- Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. Kwon, R & J Cabrera. 2019. “Income inequality and mass shootings in the United States.” BMC Public Health, 19(1): 1147.
- Cabrera J & R Dela Cruz. 2019. “Spatially-based method for reducing multiple-race data into single-race data.” City & Community Kwon R & J Cabrera. 2019. “Socioeconomic factors and mass shootings in the United States.” Critical Public Health, 29(2): 138-145.
- Cabrera J & R Kwon. 2018 “Income inequality, household income, and mass shootings in the United States.” Frontiers in Public Health, 6: 294.
- Marshall K, J Cabrera, & K Weaver. 2018 “Constructing a complex learning community index—Operationalizing the concept of a learning community in a measurable construct.” Learning Communities Research and Practice, 6(1): 1-25.
- Cabrera, J, S Scholz, G Hobor, & O Lizardo. 2017. “Integrating ‘standard’ residents’ into ‘non-standard’ communities:” Journal of Urbanism.
- Cabrera, J. F., & Najarian, J. 2015. “How the built environment shapes bridging ties and community social capital.” Environment & Behavior, 47(3): 237-267.
- Cabrera, J & J Najarian. 2013. “Can new urbanism create diverse communities?” Journal of Planning Education & Research, 33(4): 427-441.
- Cabrera, J. 2013. “New urbanism and selection bias in the formation of social capital.” Housing Policy Debate, 23(2): 376-394.
Additional Information
Special Interests
Social Capital, Urban Sociology, Community Development, Social Networks, New Urbanism
Research Interests
In a broad sense, Dr. Cabrera’s work is a systematic investigation of the concept of social capital and how it can be facilitated in groups, neighborhoods, and communities. To this end he investigates social capital in relation to the built environment, race and ethnic diversity, social network structure, sustainability, and resource inequality. Studies show that social capital provides substantial benefits to those who possess it, and even to those who do not. Thus, understanding how to promote social capital in communities and groups is an important task for those who wish to create more trusting, respectful, supportive, and connected communities. Currently, Dr. Cabrera is study ethnically diverse neighborhoods in Las Angeles County to better understand how diversity affects the creation of social capital in neighborhoods, and which types of urban and social amenities can be used to facilitate social interaction between ethnically diverse residents. Dr. Cabrera is also working on a project examining the relationship between social network structure and social capital in groups within a college dormitory setting.
Classes taught at ULV
- SOC 205 – Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 305 – Quantitative Analysis
- SOC 341 – Urban Sociology
- SOC 342 – Urban Crime Patterns
- SOC 345 – White Collar Crime
- SOC 346 – Environmental Sociology
- SOC 348 – Social Networks
- SOC 390 – Research Methods
- SOC 395 – Computer Data Analysis
- SOC 499 – Senior Thesis
Faculty Website
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