Spiritual Resources During the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Crisis

Student Outreach and Support, The Randall Lewis Center for Well-Being & Research, and The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life have complied resources to assist the Leo Community during this trying time. The university expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise with regard to utilizing these services.

If you are aware of resources that are not listed below, please email acamacho@laverne.edu to have them added to the list.

Spiritual Well-Being Resources

Click Here for the Infographic:












University of La Verne Resources

Tips for Spiritual Practices in this Challenging Time

This is a list of 13 spiritual practices you can do right now to support your spiritual well-being!


Online Meditation and Online Yoga are available for students. All classes are free for students.

Spiritual Life on Social Media

For Spiritual Life Programming and social connection, access the following clubs and offices on Instagram.

Virtual Worship Services

This is a list of Virtual Worship Services from our local interfaith community. Immerse yourself in an interfaith experience and be inspired!

Pastoral Care and Support

Rev. Zandra Wagoner is available for online support and pastoral care via WebEx, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or Skype. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please send an email to Rev. Wagoner at zwagoner@laverne.edu.

Additional Helpful Resources


Grief is often isolating. But it doesn’t have to be anymore! Regardless of your ability to find local supportive services, HealGrief has made it possible to connect on a whole new level. It’s time to be heard, feel understood and connect with others who understand your journey.

Apps for Spiritual Well-Being

Check out this list of apps to support your spiritual journey and keep you spiritually-inspired. The list is separated into two categories: 1) General Spiritual Wellness Apps and 2) Interfaith and Religion-Specific Apps.


Spiritual Practices for a Challenging Time

Spiritual Practices for the Coronavirus Pandemic

Greater Good Guide to Well-being During the Coronavirus

News and Articles of Hope and Goodwill During the Coronavirus

Support your spiritual well-being with these recent acts of compassion, wisdom, and love as spiritual communities respond to the coronavirus pandemic.