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University of La Verne Staff and Faculty
Accounts Payable Specialist
Office: (909) 448-4119
Woody Hall (909) 448-4119
Admissions Counselor
Office: (909) 448-4024
La Verne / Abraham Campus Center
Purchasing & Warehouse Clerk
Office: (909) 448-4540
La Verne
Coordinator, Strategic Communications and Engagement
Office: (909) 460-2010
College of Law and Public Service 210A
Director of Professional Development Courses
Office: (909) 448-4953
Park Campus
Instructor, Biology
La Verne
Instructor, Biology
La Verne
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Office: (909) 448-4147
La Verne
Professor of Practice
College of Law and Public Service
Professor of Practice
La Verne