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University of La Verne Staff and Faculty
Assistant Director of Accessibility Services
Main: (909) 448-4425
La Verne / Oaks Residence Hall B105
Assistant Dean, Advising & Retention Services, ROC
Main: (909) 448-4994
Enrollment Management Building 105
Professor, Public Administration
Office: (909) 448-4082
College of Law and Public Service
Executive Assistant
Main: (909) 448-4450
La Verne 139
Professor, Marketing
Office: (909) 448-4496
College of Business 128
Administrative Assistant II, CAPA
Main: (909) 448-4154
Hoover Hall 120
Assoc Dean Curr Sched Stu Affa
Main: (909) 448-4353
Hoover Hall 104
Professor, Art History
Main: (909) 448-4328
Arts and Communications Building 201
Associate Professor, Management
Main: (909) 448-4577
La Verne / Leo Hall 221
Professor Emerita, Spanish