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University of La Verne Staff and Faculty
Professor, English Literature
Main: (909) 448-1578
La Verne / Miller Hall 214
Professor, Educational Studies
Main: (909) 448-4672
Barkley Building BA32
Professor, Music and Music Department Chair
Main: (909) 448-4919
La Verne / Founders Hall 26
Professor Emeritus, Organizational Leadership
Associate Provost, Academic Programs
Main: (909) 448-4174
La Verne
Interim Co-Dean, Library & Learning Commons
Coordinator, Research Instructional and Professor
Main: (909) 448-4406
Wilson Library 128
Program Chair
Associate Professor, Psychology
Main: (909) 448-4431
La Verne / Hoover Hall 215
Campus Safety Officer
Main: (909) 448-4950
La Verne / Parking Structure
Program Coordinator, Graduate and Leadership LFCE
Main: (909) 448-4369
Leo Hall 101L