ULV Testing Center
In order to keep the University of La Verne safe, a COVID testing center has been established.
The testing center is located in the first floor of Oaks E and is open 8:30am – 3:30pm Mon-Fri. The testing being done is for ASYMPTOMATIC University of La Verne community members as part of surveillance testing protocol. It is being offered as a walk-up service free of charge.
Who Can Test at the Testing Center
- Students and Employees that are not vaccinated or not “up to date” (i.e. not boosted if eligible) with COVID-19 Vaccine
- Students and Employees that have been notified of a direct exposure taking place on-campus
- Students and Employees that have submitted a COVID Report and have been referred to testing site by contact tracer
Who May NOT Test at the Testing Center
- Students experiencing symptoms. Students with symptoms are asked to call the Health Center at (909) 448-4619 to schedule an appointment to get tested
- Employees experiencing symptoms. Employees with symptoms are asked to contact their local health provider
- Student and Employees that need to be tested for clearance for non-ULV jobs, activities, or travel. Individuals needing this type of testing are asked to visit one of the free testing sites through the state Testing – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (ca.gov)
- Individuals who are “curious” or have not been referred to the testing site
- Friends, roommates, family members that are not part of the ULV community
Test Types at Testing Center
Tests are PCR saliva tests and results are generally available within 24 hours of tests.
Things to do/ keep in mind while getting tested:
- No appointment is needed
- Make sure they are not experiencing symptoms
- Not eat, drink (including water), chew gum, smoke, have chapstick or lipstick on, brush teeth or use mouthwash 60 minutes before the test
- Review information on creating a saliva sample
- Follow directions from ULV Contact Tracer and Health Center Staff. They will provide additional information:
- as to when to get tested in accordance to exposures – sometimes it is best to test after 5 days versus immediately
- types of tests to use and when (i.e. antigen vs PCR)
- specific instructions depending if experiencing symptoms, have been positive vs exposed, etc.
Accessing Test Results
Individuals testing at the ULV Testing Center can access their results, usually within 24 hours of test. Please see instructions on accessing results.
Submitting Testing Records from Off-Campus Sites/Testing Centers
Individuals who test through the ULV Testing Center will have their results automatically recorded with the University. Individuals who are not able to access the ULV Testing Center are asked to visit one of the free testing sites through the state Testing – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (ca.gov). Individuals can submit their test results through Med+Proctor. Please see instructions for uploading for New Med+Proctor users and for Returning Med+Proctor users.