University of La Verne Plans New College of Health and Well-Being

Plans are now underway to organize a College of Health and Community Well-Being as the fifth college of the University of La Verne. President Devorah Lieberman noted that the new college is the transformational focus of the university’s 2025 Strategic Vision approved by the Board of Trustees in November 2020.
“The university recognized the increasing need for health professionals in the region and the growing interest in health professions among students,” said President Lieberman. “By leveraging our current health programs and enhancing our efforts to provide health profession education, our graduates will be able to return to their home communities and be prepared for professions that are in high demand.”
The university’s existing health-related programs will move into the new college, and proposed allied health programs will begin as early as 2022. A bachelor of science in nursing program is expected to be an early priority. Additional programs at the bachelor’s and master’s level may involve partnerships with community colleges and health-focused organizations.
La Verne Extended Learning will also play a key role as the university increases its capacity to provide specialized training in areas of community need. It currently offers certificate programs in medical coding and medical billing and a credential in telehealth. Additional certificate programs are now in development for learners looking to upskill for a first job as well as mid-career professionals seeking upward mobility.
A distinction of the new college will be an emphasis not only on health programs but also on community well-being. The guiding vision is to make a significant contribution to the intellectual, social, and economic vitality of the region. It will train diverse and highly competent healthcare professionals across disciplines who can address health inequities and social determinants of health and community well-being. And it will help students find not only a career path, but a sense of belonging and purpose as well.
“It’s an exciting time to be moving forward,” said Brian Clocksin, interim vice provost for strategic health initiatives and development, who is helping to lead the effort. “Students at the University of La Verne are from this region. They represent the demographics of the region, and they are interested in going back to the region. We have a chance to train the next generation of a diverse health and well-being workforce.”
A search will begin this fall for a visionary founding dean of the new college.