Professor Susan Exon Moderates Riverside County D.A. Debate
University of La Verne College of Law Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Exon moderated a Riverside County District Attorney public debate.
University of La Verne College of Law Associate Dean and Professor of Law Susan Exon moderated a Riverside County District Attorney public debate.
Glendale Adventist Medical Center recently honored College of Law alumnus Arsen Danielian and his wife, Hasmik with its Erwin J. Remboldt Founder’s Award
Preliminary data indicates that La Verne Law’s first-time California Bar exam takers recorded an 87.5% success rate, exceeding by more than 18% the 69% average of all California ABA schools pass rate.
University of La Verne junior Mirrella Bautista is going to be among those featured on “Katie” as one of handful of college students selected as a finalist for the Scholarship America’s Dream Award.
The University of La Verne maintains a strong commitment to sustainability and ensures its endeavors are conscious about its impact on the environment.
Two videos produced by University of La Verne students won Telly Awards in the recently concluded national competition.
What do Cirque du Soleil, Costa Rican coffee, and student success have in common? Enter University of La Verne Professor of Management Issam Ghazzawi.
A roundtable discussion featuring University of La Verne Assistant Professor of Political Science Dr. Juli Minoves addressed the pros and cons of strengthening the common voice of Europe.
Five faculty members will be attending the Association of American Colleges and Universities’ 2014 Institute on High-Impact Practices and Student Success June 17 – 24 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
Great golfers play to their strengths, and that is what the University of La Verne will do as well at its annual golf tournament on June 6 at Industry Hills Golf Club.