Wireless Access at Residence Halls: Windows XP

Instructions for Windows XP (for The Oaks, Brandt, and Stu-Han Residence Halls)

STEP 1: Make sure the wireless card is enabled on your laptop.  There are two settings that could cause your wireless card to be disabled:

  1. Most laptops have a button to disable/enable the wireless card—when enabled the button will usually be lit.
  2. If you are not able to connect to wireless networks, then there is a chance that the Windows operating system might have disabled your wireless network card. Here are the steps to check if your wireless network card is disabled by the Windows XP operating system:
    1. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network Connections (this is listed under “or pick a Control Panel icon” on the lower half of the screen).
    2. Look for the Wireless Network Connection icon, if the line underneath shows “Not Connected” or “Connected“, then your wireless network card is already enabled, but if it shows “Disabled“, then right-click on your wireless network card and select “Enable”.

Right-click on the Wireless Network Connection icon and select Open Network Connections, which will open the Network Connections window. Look for the Wireless Network Connection icon (in the third screen shot below, it is circled in red).

STEP 3: Right-click on the Wireless Network Connection icon and select Properties.

Click on the Wireless Networks tab.

Click on the Add.. button.

The following settings in the Wireless network properties window needs to be changed:

1. For the Network name (SSID): field, enter La Verne Housing (the network name is case-sensitive, so be sure to capitalize the first letters of each word)
2. Check the box next to Connect even if this network is not broadcasting.
3. Change the Data encryption: setting from WEP to Disabled.

Verify that your settings match the settings shown in the second screen shot below, and then click on the OK button.

STEP 7: Click on the Continue Anyway button.

STEP 8: Click on the OK button.

STEP 9: When you are within the Brandt Hall or Stu-Han residence halls, your computer will automatically connect to the wireless network. When you are connected, the Wireless Network Connection icon will not have an “X” over it. If you put your mouse pointer over the icon, it will show that you are connected (Status: Connected).

STEP 10: Open a web browser so your computer can go to the Login web page. If your browser does not automatically go to the Login web page, please type in any website address and press Enter.

Enter your University of La Verne e-mail username and password and click on Submit. For example, if your e-mail address is john.smith@laverne.edu, then enter john.smith in the User Name box.

STEP 11: When you have successfully logged in, a pop-up window will appear with a Logout button. Your computer will stay logged in up to 12 hours unless you log out.

Note: you can be logged in on up to three computers at the same time with the same e-mail username–if you are already concurrently logged in on three computers, and you try to login on a fourth computer using the same e-mail username, you will not be able to log in on that fourth computer (and no error message will appear).

STEP 12:
When you click the Logout button, you will get a message shown in the screen shot below. As the message states–to complete the log off process and to prevent access to unauthorized users, you must close all browser windows and exit the browser application.

Need Help?

If you have any problems, please contact the Unified Service Desk at (909) 593-3511 x4130