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Assistant Director of Honors
Associate Professor, Economics & Assistant Director of Honors
La Verne / Landis Academic Center
Associate Dean of Student Engagement & Belonging
Office: (909) 448-4481
La Verne / Abraham Campus Center 137
Manager, IT Help Desk and COL
Office: (909) 448-4532
University Central Services
Assistant Coach, Football Defense
La Verne
Director, Operations, External Relationships & Administration
Main: (909) 460-2009
College of Law and Public Service 203
ULV Graphics & Mail Services-General Manager
Main: (909) 448-4529
La Verne 2284 First Street
Assistant Director, Regional Campus
Main: (909) 448-4151
Hoover Hall
Unified Computing Sys Engineer
Mobile: (909) 568-9697
Fax: (909) 568-9697
Park Campus
Manager, Student Outreach and Support
Main: (909) 448-4045
Oaks Residence Hall B-101
Supervisor, Master Electrician
University Central Services