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University of La Verne Staff and Faculty
Associate VP for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Main: (909) 448-4448
La Verne / Vista La Verne Residence Hall
Prospect Researcher and Biographical Data Analyst
Main: (909) 448-4688
La Verne
Manager Accounts Payable
Main: (909) 448-4112
Park Campus CUB 1
Professor, Physics
Main: (909) 448-4679
La Verne / Mainiero Hall 152C
Assistant Director, Academic Services - CLPS
Main: (909) 460-2016
La Verne / College of Business 212
PEG TV Access Station Manager
Main: (909) 448-4371
Fax: (909) 448-1612
Arts and Communications Building 103
Manager, Natural Science Division
Main: (909) 448-4602
Fax: (909) 448-1661
La Verne / Mainiero Hall 152
Professor Emerita, Education
La Verne / Mainiero Hall
Finance Systems Manager
Main: (909) 448-4127
Woody Hall 220
Professor Emeritus, Organizational Leadership
Leo Hall 101 C