University of La Verne Ranked Again for Best Graduate Programs

The University of La Verne’s education and public administration graduate programs are recognized again as the best in the nation, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s 2024 edition of Best Graduate Schools. The university has been consistently ranked in Best Education School and Best Public Affairs Programs listings.
Designed for prospective students looking to further their education beyond college, the Best Graduate Schools rankings evaluate programs based on current enrollment, job placement, faculty and other critical quality indicators that help prospective students make informed decisions.
This year, the university was one of only seven private California universities on the Best Education School list of 255 institutions nationwide. The University of La Verne LaFetra College of Education has been a leading institution in preparing educators and leaders to address the challenges of today’s schools and rapidly changing organizations. It has received multiple state and national awards including most recently in the areas of continuing education and creative use of technology.
“We are deeply grateful to be acknowledged for our efforts to be a leader in educational equity, excellence, and innovation. Continually pioneering, we are expanding our adult and online degree programs and professional learning programs, utilizing innovative technology in our curriculum,” said LaFetra College Dean MD Haque. “We are proud of the education our students receive, with its emphasis on diversity, innovation, technology and research-based practices. Our professors are leaders in their fields who pride themselves on their quality programs, high standards, and dedication to students.”
The college offers a variety of online and traditional graduate degree programs, in teaching preparation, leadership, educational counseling, school psychology, and child and adolescent development. The university recently formed a new partnership with AASA, the School Superintendents Association to expand professional development, introduce new programming, share resources, and provide a premier West Coast hub for AASA members and related activities supporting K-12 school district leaders nationwide.
The University of La Verne, one of 317 institutions accredited by the globally recognized Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) Commission, offers both Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) degrees. This year marks the 50th year for the MPA program, which offers degree specializations in urban management and affairs, nonprofit management, public health, and a JD/MPA dual degree program within the University of La Verne College of Law and Public Service.
“As we reflect on our 50 years of programming, we are excited to continue to be recognized nationally and have an impact on building a better tomorrow by graduating outstanding students with the competency and passion for public service,” said Kevin Marshall, dean of the College of Law and Public Service. “We are particularly proud to be one of very few schools in California offering the opportunity for students to earn dual graduate degrees in law (JD) and public administration (MPA), giving them the competitive edge to be leaders in all public sector markets.”
University of La Verne graduates have careers in local government, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. According to recent graduating class reports, approximately 69 percent work in public sector positions across local, state, and federal agencies, 26 percent work in the nonprofit sector, and the rest work in the private sector. Other popular areas are nonprofit management and public policy.