Inspiring Future Innovators

The University of La Verne’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Summer Camps are inspiring the next generation of tech enthusiasts and innovators.
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, early exposure to science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics is crucial. The University of La Verne’s Wilson Library and the LaFetra College of Education Center of Learning and Innovation launched new STEAM Summer Camps designed especially for children fourth through eighth grade. One-week camps including hands-on experiences with innovative technologies like 3D printing, geographic information systems (GIS), Python coding and more are offered through the month of August.
“Learning about 3D printing, GIS, and coding at a young age not only sparks interest but also builds foundational skills that are essential in today’s tech-driven world,” says Amy Jiang, Wilson Library head of emerging technology and digital initiatives and interim co-dean of Libraries and Learning Commons.
The STEAM Summer Camp is a dual opportunity for experiential learning. While young participants gain hands-on experience with emerging technologies, University of La Verne students have the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and develop their teaching abilities. These camps are intended to foster a community of learning and growth, while continuing to develop vital skills with advanced technology.
The camp is held in the library Makerspace, a creative environment where imagination meets technology. Opened in 2015, the space is equipped with virtual reality tools, 3D printers, laser cutters, robotics and programmable electronics. This unique space is ideal for exciting do-it-yourself projects applicable to various fields, including health sciences, engineering, aerospace and research. The Makerspace is available for campus and community member use and collaboration.
Registration is still open for camps held August 5-9 and August 12-16, 2024. Space is limited. The $450 camp fee covers all projects, supplies, use of the community Makerspace, a taste of university life through engaging activities, as well as daily lunch and snacks.
Looking ahead, the Wilson Library plans to host additional STEAM and robotics workshops for youth throughout the fall. To register for the camps or to be placed on the fall interest list, please contact Amy Jiang at