Blessing of the Graduates

2025 Blessing of the Graduates (Baccalaureate)
A Spiritually-Inspired, Multifaith Ceremony for our Graduates

Friday, May 30 at 4:00 pm
La Verne Church of the Brethren (2 blocks from campus)


  • For Students: Please RSVP on the Commencement Participant Form sent to you by email.  You will receive this form once you are cleared for graduation (the earliest the link is  sent is sometime in March and after you have been cleared).  If you have been cleared for graduation, check your email for an email from, which will include a link to the Commencement Participant form.  If you cannot find the link, please email
  • For Faculty and Staff:  Please RSVP using this link.

Information about the Blessing of the Graduates!

The Blessing of the Graduates (also known as Baccalaureate) is a spiritually-inspired, multifaith ceremony to honor and bless our graduates!

The ceremony includes an inspirational keynote speaker (see below), readings and music from a diversity of spiritual and philosophical traditions, and a special blessing to honor the gifts and personhood of each graduate as they complete their degree, move on, and continue their journey.  The ceremony is led by University dignitaries and the University Chaplain.  Graduates and Faculty process in and out in their regalia.

Graduates are invited to bring their friends and family to enjoy this celebration and ceremony. There is no seating limits.  Guest tickets are not required.  We ask that graduates RSVP above to let us know you are coming!

Graduates: Please arrive at 3:15 p.m. with your regalia to line-up and prepare for the procession of graduates and faculty.  Graduates will line-up on the patio of the La Verne Church of the Brethren.  Guests can be seated anytime after 2:30 pm.  The La Verne Church of the Brethren is located at 2425 “E” Street, La Verne, CA  91750.

Remember to bring your cap and gown!

If you have questions about the Blessing of the Graduates Ceremony, please contact Rev. Zandra Wagoner, University Chaplain at or 909-448-4446.

2025 Baccalaureate Speaker: Veronica Escoffery-Runnels

Veronica Escoffery-Runnels is an Associate Professor and Director of the Educational Counseling and School Psychology program. She has served in the capacity of Director for the past seven years and takes pride in the work she and faculty have done to touch the future School Counselors and School Psychologists providing service to the community.

It has been a true honor for her to serve as a professor and work with committed students who desire to become advocates for mental health and educational equity in their communities. At the university she has served on many committees and has been an elected member of the faculty senate.  Professionally, she volunteers on boards of directors as well as she has been a member of review teams for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Association of School Psychologists.

She brings over 20 years of experience in the PK-12 educational system addressing issues of psychoeducational assessment and advocacy in special education for youth in urban, suburban, and ethnically diverse settings.  Dr. Escoffery-Runnels’ areas of interests include pre-service training of school psychologists serving minority populations in culturally responsive ways, recognizing the role of spiritual beliefs/practices and its impact on professional and familial interaction in the school setting, and parental empowerment in the acquisition of social and cultural capital.

Dr. Escoffery-Runnels  enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends, learning how to play the guitar, and volunteering her time at church.  Veronica’s most important job is being a mother to 2 wonderful daughters.  They keep her in the moment, they keep her laughing, and are truly her best teachers.  She also has a very loving mother who keeps her honest and humble and, lastly, their dog Nami, who keeps her in shape.