Fridays, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. starting April 24 thru May 29
To register and join this group, click here
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused us to stop, literally. We are experiencing a collective pause from constant movement and activity. As poet Lynn Unger suggested in her poem that went viral last month: “What if you thought of it/ as Jews consider the Sabbath.” Maybe amidst this terrible crisis, we are also receiving a gift, a clue, for creating a better world for ourselves and all who dwell here.
We will spend the next 6 weeks exploring the idea of Sabbath rest, a practice embraced by both Jews and Christians, as an anecdote, a healing balm, for our 24/7 society and an act of resistance to our restless cycles of consumption, achievement, performance, and possession. This discussion group will be based upon Biblical scholar Walter Bruggemann’s short book, Sabbath as Resistance. While our starting point will be grounded in the Abrahamic faith traditions, people from any faith tradition or no faith tradition are invited to join the discussion! Copies of the book chapters will be available for those who want to read along, although not required. We will meet virtually on Zoom. Come join us as we contemplate and practice creating a new normal that is more humane, just, and loving. To join, please register (link above) and you will be sent the meeting details and a copy of the first chapter!