Cal Grant Award Amounts

The maximum Cal Grant award amount varies by Cal Grant Program and will be based on the approval of the annual state budget. The Cal Grant awards for 2019-2020 are:

Full time enrollment for the semester/term

PLEASE NOTE:  Cal Grant A and B Tuition amounts below are maximum amounts.  The Cal Grant A and B Tuition cannot exceed actual tuition charges. If actual tuition is lower than the maximum award amount the award is reduced to cover the actual tuition charges. 

Semester Students

  • Cal Grant A Tuition maximum for full-time enrollment (12 or more units) is $4542 per semester.
  • Cal Grant B Tuition maximum for full-time enrollment (12 or more units) is $4542 per semester.
  • Cal Grant B Access Award for full-time enrollment (12 or more units) is $836 per semester.

Term Students

  • Cal Grant A Tuition maximum for full-time enrollment (8 or more units) is $3028 per term.
  • Cal Grant B Tuition maximum for full-time enrollment (8 or more units) is $3028 per term.
  • Cal Grant B Access Award for full-time enrollment (8 or more units) is $557 per term.

Enrollment less than full time for the semester/term

Students who enroll less than full-time in any semester/term will receive a prorated award for that semester/term.

The above award amounts will be prorated at the following percentages:

  • Three Quarter Time: (9-11 Semester Units / 6-7 Term Units): 75% prorated award
  • Half Time:  (6-8 Semester Units / 4-5 Term Units):  50% prorated award
  • Less than Half Time:  (Less than 6 Semester Units / Less than 4 Term Units):  INELIGIBLE to receive award