University of La Verne Launches Associate of Arts Program at Bakersfield Campus

High school graduates can now pursue an Associate of Arts degree at the University of La Verne’s Bakersfield Campus under a new program called “Streamlined for Success.”
The program gives students guaranteed admission into the University of La Verne, discounted tuition, and scholarships to continue on to bachelor’s degree programs at the university’s campuses in Bakersfield or La Verne.
Nora Dominguez, director of the university’s Bakersfield campus, said the program is needed because high school graduates in the Kern County region struggle to find open classes to fulfill their general education requirements.
“Many Bakersfield high school students remain in the area after graduating and need a pathway to achieve their educational and career goals,” Dominguez said. “We designed Streamlined for Success to provide students with access to an associate degree, support throughout the program, and ease of transfer should they choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree.”
The university is accepting 24 students who are 18 to 23-years-old for its first Streamlined for Success cohort.
The deadline to apply for the fall semester is Sept. 24.
Students and parents interested in the program may attend information sessions at the Bakersfield campus, 10800 Stockdale Highway. Sessions will be at 10 a.m. July 21; 6 p.m. July 31, Aug. 15, and Aug. 30; and 10 a.m. Sept. 15.
More information: E-mail – or