University of La Verne Releases Plan for Returning to Campus

The University of La Verne has released its plan for returning to on-campus learning for the new academic year.
The La Verne Safe Return plan prioritizes the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff while honoring the university’s historical commitment to a student-centered and personalized education.
The plan meets or exceeds all federal, state, and regional public health mandates. Its 10 key areas include guidelines for a combination of face-to-face and remote learning, limited opening of the residence and dining halls, and appropriate accommodations for students and employees.
The plan allows students who wish to continue studying remotely to do so. It also includes details on the fall academic calendar; return to work timelines for on-campus employees; and detailed protocols for environmental health and safety, social distancing, testing, and many other areas.
“This is our roadmap for safety and success,” University of La Verne President Devorah Lieberman said. “It will require dedication, compassion, and commitment from every member of the university community. These are the same traits that have long defined us at the University of La Verne, and I am confident that they will continue to carry us through our safe return in the fall and beyond.”
The La Verne Safe Return plan is guided by best practices from expert agencies and organizations. It was developed over several months by multiple dedicated committees with extensive review and input from the entire university community, including faculty, staff, and students.
The University of La Verne transitioned all classes and operations to remote in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The La Verne Safe Return plan prepares the university to again transition to fully-remote instruction and operations should public health guidance require it in the fall or later.
Fall classes will follow the pre-established academic calendars. Classes will resume Aug. 17 for the College of Law, Aug. 31 for the La Verne Campus semester, and Sept. 28 for the term at regional campuses and graduate programs.
The university will continue to update the plan as new information becomes available.
It is available at