No Tuition Increases for Most University of La Verne Programs for 2021-22 Academic Year

The University of La Verne has announced that it will not raise tuition for most academic programs for the 2021-22 academic year.
The decision to keep most tuition at existing levels recognizes the financial challenges many students are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the university’s commitment to helping students meet their educational goals during the pandemic.
“We believe in serving our community,” University of La Verne President Devorah Lieberman said. “That’s why we are doing everything we can to ensure that every student in Southern California has a high-quality education from a distinguished private university within their reach, even in these unprecedented times.”
The tuition freeze applies to traditional undergraduate students, regional campus and online students, graduate students in the College of Business and Public Management, graduate students in the LaFetra College of Education, and most graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Two programs will see slight increases in tuition, and both are at the graduate level. Those are the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Practice, which will increase by 3.4 percent, and the State Bar of California Accredited law program, which will increase by 3 percent.
Over the past year, the university has made significant commitments to helping students who have faced financial challenges as a result of the pandemic, including the awarding of $3 million in additional financial aid to traditional undergraduates, adult learners, and graduate students.
The university has also increased the minimum guaranteed scholarship to $15,000 per year to traditional undergraduate students from school districts and partner organizations that participate in the Partnership for Access to College Education, and awarded nearly $3 million in grants through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide emergency relief to students affected by the pandemic.
The University of La Verne continues to accept applications for fall 2021 for most programs. Admission counselors are available to answer questions from students and their families about admissions and financial aid.