College of Law Litigation Track Students Collaborate With Undergraduates for Trial Advocacy Class
For the University of La Verne’s College of Law trial advocacy class in November, the attorneys and jurors were students.
For the University of La Verne’s College of Law trial advocacy class in November, the attorneys and jurors were students.
University of La Verne Senior Adjunct Instructor Scott Essman hopes to show students what lies beneath the dystopian terrain of science fiction movies.
The University of La Verne Leopards enjoyed their most successful football season in two decades this fall.
Casa Colina & La Verne are partners in the Convergence health care initiative, aimed at increasing the number of medical professionals serving Inland SoCal.
Teaching Day at the University of La Verne on Nov. 9 included numerous stories about engagement, relevance and reflection between students and faculty.
Jason Neidleman began focusing on philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau after taking a course taught by professor Stanley Hoffmann.
Sisters Hope and Nysa Allen, along with alumna Anastacia Fraijo, found themselves in ninth place out of 18 teams at an athletic trainer’s competition.
A national consortium selected the University of La Verne out of dozens of applicants to participate in an initiative aimed at advancing civic learning.
Educational leaders entered a partnership that will guarantee qualified Bonita Unified School District students scholarship funding & admission to La Verne.
La Verne students, faculty and staff constructed a sukkah Sept. 30 in Sneaky Park for the week-long Jewish Festival of Sukkot.