University of La Verne’s ALPFA Student Chapter Hosts Tony Robbins’ Peak Performance Seminar

The University of La Verne Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA) hosted its inaugural campus mixer recently, welcoming speaker Brian Mayoral, a member of the Robbins Research International, Inc.
“Are you up for some change today?” Mayoral asked the crowd as he enthusiastically jumped on stage. “I said, are you up for some change today?”
As a member of Tony Robbins’ elite motivational speakers, Mayoral shared the three pillars of personal and professional success with students, faculty, and staff: Strategy, Activity, and Mindset. He reminded attendees that if “they fail to plan, they plan to fail.” He encouraged everyone to invest in their confidence and develop a positive mindset that will lead to success, and more importantly, make a difference.
“What’s the difference that makes a difference?” Mayoral said. “The key to growing begins with one’s attitude, vision, and drive for success.”
The ALPFA student chapter is a first for the university, and led by business student and chapter president, Julio Garcia, ’20. At the beginning of the mixer, Garcia, introduced his executive board, including junior Erick Flores, vice president, senior Tairy Ayon, COO, junior Melissa Flores, CFO, junior Katia Ramos, director of development, and junior Lucas Benstead, marketing manager.
ALPFA is a national Latino professional association established in 1972. Its mission is to develop Latino men and women into leaders of character in every sector of the global economy. More than 92,000 professionals and students are members nationally.
The student chapter also presented University President Devorah Lieberman and College of Business and Public Management Dean Abe Helou with certificates signed by Congresswoman Grace Napolitano and Senator Anthony J. Portantino.
“ALPFA is creating the future for our students at the University of La Verne as they seek professional success,” Lieberman said. “It’s an organization that will be significant to our students.”
For more information or to join the University of La Verne ALPFA student chapter, go to Facebook or @alpfa-ulv on Instagram.