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University Policies

Welcome to the University of La Verne policies website.  The most current versions of officially approved University-wide policies will be displayed on this website. College- and department-specific policies and procedures also may be housed on individual college and department websites.

Frequently Asked Questions


The University Policy Library is a comprehensive collection of all policies that apply to all areas of the University of La Verne operations. It will be a central location for campus constituents to find the official and most up-to-date versions of university policies.


Currently, university policies are housed in separate units and departments across campus. This has resulted in campus constituents having difficulty efficiently locating specific policies. Bringing all policies into a central location will increase campus constituents’ ability to find the policy provisions they are interested in and will aid departments in reviewing policy needs.


The University Policy Library will be located at Questions and policy submissions may be sent to


A policy is a formal rule statement of the University. Policies are usually broader in scope, addressing a single topic, to provide a framework for decision-making and ensure consistency with legal and ethical standards. Policies may also include procedures that outline step-by-step instructions for implementing or following the rules set forth in a policy. A procedure also defines approved forms.

See the Definitions page for more.


An addendum is a document that includes additional policy provisions that were added to a policy after the policy was approved. Items included in an addendum are meant to clarify or supplement the provisions of the parent policy.

Corrections to a policy can either be completed through a non-substantive change request or a policy revision request, depending on the scope and magnitude of the correction.


All University policies will be accessible from the University Policy Library. Policy documents, as they are reviewed and updated, will also include related procedures. Protocols, guidelines, and other college-department-level information may be linked to individual policy reference sections and may still be maintained on individual department web pages.


The Compliance Officer and/or their designee will be responsible for maintaining the University Policy Library.


The details of the policy development, review, and approvalprocess are outlined in 101: Policy on Policies.


Policy Owners and Policy Stewards are responsible for engaging with relevant stakeholder groups when developing a new policy or making revisions to existing policies.


Any member of the campus community may request that a policy be updated, created, or eliminated. The Compliance Officer or their designee will facilitate connecting an individual making a policy request with the appropriate policy owners and stewards.


Policy Owners and Policy Stewards are responsible for drafting new policies and updating existing policies. Generally, policy owners are senior leaders with final responsibility for the operational areas covered by policies and policy stewards are the subject matter experts that administer the policies on a routine basis. Please refer to 101: Policy on Policies.


Please send any questions to