Burnis Simon Community Service Scholarship

The Burnis Simon  Community Service Scholarship was funded by the Hafif Family and Mr. Greg Hafif ‘87, who is a ULV alumnus and the managing attorney for the Law Offices of Herbert Hafif in Claremont, California. The scholarship was started in memory of Burnis L. Simon, a longtime friend of the Hafif family and Executive Director of the Hafif Family Foundation. Burnis passed away in 2019 and this scholarship honors his passions for helping others, community service, and intercollegiate sports.

Apply Now!

Scholarship Amount

$5,000 – with funds distributed twice (fall and spring semester) during the academic year

Application Cycle

  • Applications open MARCH 10
  • Application deadline:  MAY 10 at 11:59pm
  • Scholarship award is announced every Spring semester
  • Awarded during the Fall semester of the same year

Scholarship Criteria

A successful applicant for this scholarship:

  • Is a  student who has been accepted and matriculated at the University of La Verne
  • Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.2
  • Will be starting either their  sophomore, junior,  or senior year at time of awarding (every Fall semester)
  • Have a demonstrated financial need
  • Must go above and beyond any ULV community service course requirement (e.g. LVE 305). Above and beyond means 50 or more hours of unpaid community service and excludes any community service course requirements
  • Has their community service hours entered on GivePulse (GivePulse is the University’s engagement platform) PRIOR to submitting an application
  • Will list community service hours performed during and while actively enrolled at the University of La Verne
  • Will provide their GivePulse Service Transcript, detailing their community service hours
  • Provide the contact information of a supervisor, representing a nonprofit organization,  who can provide a letter of verification of community service hours performed