Course schedules must be entered into the schedule worksheet provided by the Registrar’s Office and submitted as an email attachment. The schedule worksheet includes all information needed to build a section in Banner and reflects Banner data entry patterns with the exception of room requests. Please provide all information requested on the worksheet and do not modify the format.
Completed schedule worksheets must be submitted to the appropriate Dean of your college, who will then forward it to the Registrar’s Office. Please complete separate worksheets for Summer, Fall, January, and Spring.
It is the responsibility of the Dean and the Department Chairs to make sure the schedule worksheet is complete and accurate before it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office. To minimize entry errors, no additions or changes to the information provided on the worksheet will be allowed until after the initial schedule entry is complete.
Once the schedule information has been entered into Banner, the Registrar’s Office will notify the department that the schedule is available to view on MyLaVerne. Changes will be accepted after that point in time, and must be submitted via the Dean’s Office. Although the Registrar’s Office will review the course schedule prior to the start of registration, Deans, Department Chairs and Faculty are expected to review each course section for accuracy.