The Review Process

Most likely your application will require several sets of revisions at all stages of review (pre-review, exempt review, college, full board, Chair) in order to clarify content and address reviewer comments. Any applications not approved within 6 months of initial submission will need to be resubmitted and re-reviewed by the appropriate area of the IRB as a NEW application. Please plan accordingly. You must receive a letter signed by the chair PRIOR to collecting data.

Click here for flowcharts of the review process.


Prior to an IRB review, there is a required pre-review that identifies revisions to ensure your application is complete and clearly written prior to being reviewed by the reviewers. The pre-review is not considered part of the IRB review, but is a helpful step to speed up the IRB review process and to help prevent your application from having to be reviewed by the college committee and the full board numerous times (which is more time consuming than revisions during the pre-review process).

Limited Review and Expedited Review Applications

Expedited applications are reviewed by the college (referred to as “Area” in the policies and procedures documents) committee (Lead and Second Reviewers) and the Chair.

Standard Review Applications

Standard (full board) review applications (usually involving minors, pregnant women, prisoners, or other vulnerable populations, increased risk, etc.) require a vote from La Verne IRB members at the monthly meeting and a longer review time. The college committee reviews the application after the pre-review to provide the applicant with the chance to revise their application in a manner that will help to eliminate additional reviews by the full board at multiple meetings. If revisions are requested by the college committee, the revisions must be received 4 days prior to the full board meeting.

You may be asked to clarify or revise your application after the full board has reviewed it, but before it is considered complete (this may be handled at the college level (and Chair) or the full board level). If the board stipulates they would like to review the revisions, your application will have to be reviewed at an additional monthly meeting.

Exempt Applications

Applications are reviewed by the Analyst and/or the Chair. Once your application has advanced beyond pre-review, it will be reviewed one time for an exempt determination. There are no chances to revise your application. You will either receive an exempt determination or your application will be rejected and it will be requested you apply for Expedited or Standard Review. Thus, it is imperative you present a well-prepared application and the pre-review process will work hard to ensure this.

Not Human Subjects Research (NHSR) Applications

NHSR applications are reviewed by IRBManager and the Analyst or Chair.

Expectations of La Verne IRB Review Timeline

Consult the meeting and operation schedule and our La Verne Turnaround Time policy for turn around times.